Friday helps you collect check-ins from your team, so you can accelerate 1-1 conversations and eliminate 1-1 meetings that didn't need to happen in the first place.
Send one-on-one questions a day or two before your meeting. You won't forget to do this because Friday does it automatically. Set it and receive the feedback at a set time.
You can send the one-on-questions to everyone on the team, but only managers can see the responses. This streamlines the process, still involves your whole team, and trends quickly become apparent.
We suggest questions, or you can set your own. Personalize it and customize it for your individuals or for your team. Friday makes it easy to get started.
1-1 meetings are deeply integrated into workplace chat and productivity tools, whether it's Slack or Teams.
Learn moreWe handle the work for you, so you can walk into meetings with topics for discussion, or eliminate the entire meeting.
Learn moreWith Friday, you can customize every aspect of the 1-1 meeting (questions, reminders, and much more)
Learn moreAre you curious about how 1-1s work in Friday? We've answered your most pressing questions in the FAQ below.
The 1-1 meeting template is only one of many communication habits you can run with Friday. Here's a few more you can setup:
Hold less awkward retrospectives by surfacing the key information asynchronously beforehand.
Learn MoreEasily see what everyone is working on every day with a few quick questions to track progress.
Learn MoreCheck in and see how your team is feeling/performing on a regular basis. Track sentiment and priorities.
Learn More