Another set of feature updates for your cloud HQ! It's easy to keep your team connected and to work anywhere with Friday.
We’ve updated the post listing design to make it easier to browse and interact with your posts. These changes can be seen on both the Posts and Today pages.
Now when sharing a post with your entire organization you’ll be able to see the percentage of those in your organization who have seen your post.
No more guessing if your ideas or message was received.
It’s now easier to reply to a specific comment to a post, which will better organize your discussions and keep the conversation flowing more naturally.
We’ve combined Power-ups and Integrations into one section called “Customize” and added more details to each capability to better help you optimize Friday for your needs.
More coming to this section soon 😉
Kudos, Ice Breakers, Goals, and more will now be referred throughout Friday as “add-ons”.