While there are many different types of work models, they generally range from fully in the office to being remote full time. We’re going to look at the different work models and the pros and cons of each different type of work model.
Work models are used to create organizational structures and hierarchies. They define how work happens on a regular basis. These types of models define the way a company is run and how they function as a whole. It can refer to the title structure, their rates of pay and even what kind of memorabilia is allowed in an office, but lately they referred to where and how a company works, such as:
While the work model of your company isn’t as important as the product you’re offering or how you market it, it does still play a key role.
Hybrid work models are a combination of remote and office working. This is a great way for companies to take advantage of the benefits that come with remote workers while still having the option of bringing them into the office when necessary. Most companies will have at least one or two employees who work remotely, and this allows them to do so while still having the option to bring them in when they need someone present in person.
By embracing a hybrid work model, companies can get the best of both worlds by picking the aspects of every working environment that they prefer. An Owl Labs survey showcased that 80% of full-time workers expect to work from home at least three times per week. Of course, it’s possible to have a completely home-based or fully office-based team but mixing them together allows for less rigid expectations from both employees and the company itself.
There are a lot of benefits that come with working from the office. If you can, it’s best to consider both options before making a final decision. This is the ideal place for employees to build lasting relationships with coworkers and be able to take part in company events. The same is true for customers and clients because it allows them access to team members as needed and helps build relationships that will help your brand grow over time.
There are also some disadvantages to working in the office. It can be hard to find a good space for employees based on their personal needs. For example, you might need to make sure your call center workers have private phones and enough headsets so they’re able to do an effective job while working in the office. Also, you would need to set up an office for your employees. While working in an office has some benefits, “it is not conducive for doing deep, thoughtful work.”
The main benefit of remote work models means that you can hire employees outside of your area or city. For example, if you’re looking for a marketing team in Chicago then it would be easier to look online because you have much more access to global talent resources. This also helps with hiring the best talent available.
One of the drawbacks to remote working is that it requires some training. It’s unrealistic to believe that workers will be able to work on their own if they’re used to getting instructions in person. Depending on how the company is structured, they may even need some extra money for equipment or supplies if they need access to equipment that isn’t provided by the company. “It’s easy to feel disconnected when working from home.”
The Anywhere Operating System, a book by Friday CEO Luke Thomas, describes working remotely like “watching an old movie in black and white.” This is comparable to describing “working in an office is like watching a movie in HD”.
Some remote work challenges include how lonely it can be without coworkers, lack of a proper home office, difficulty to collaborate with peers, and more.
Benefits of hybrid work models are numerous. These include increased productivity, increased collaboration, staff retention and customer satisfaction. Some benefits are more long-term and focus on the culture and implementation of a hybrid working environment.
This is a more traditional model, where you go into the office and work a specific number of hours every working day. You typically work in a specific workspace and can collaborate with your coworkers when needed. When working in the office, employees can share and work on tasks and projects easier and there is a beneficial social aspect to consider. Depending on the location of work, employees must commute to the office everyday no matter the external circumstances.
With this model, employees work mainly in the office, but at least one day a week is remote. This can be a great way for an employee to see how remote work affects them and if they can handle it full time. This also allows a company to take a “test drive” of working with a remote employee without making the commitment of hiring someone 100% remote full-time.
With this model, employees work from home at least one day a week. This is a little more demanding on the employee as they must be disciplined to work from home. However, it is a great option for families who find it hard to have a regular schedule or who have kids at school during the day. It also allows the employee to do tasks that are difficult in an office setting such as cleaning, cooking, and errands.
With this model, employees are not required to work from home, but are given the option to. This is a great option for someone who may be looking to work remotely full-time or who wants to work remotely part of the time. The employee has the option to take advantage of working from home when needed but needn’t feel pressured to if they don’t want to.
With this model, employees work remotely from home for a few days a week, but also come into the office for a few days a week. This is great because it allows an employee to have the flexibility of working from home without the burden of being fully remote. However, it still allows an employee to be part of a team and collaborate with other employees on projects.
With this model, employees work remotely full-time. This is a great option for someone who has an entrepreneurial spirit and likes the freedom of working on their own schedule. It’s also a great option for people who travel frequently as they don’t have to worry about traveling to an office every day. This type of work model is most suited for companies that can run without requiring their employees to be in the office every day.
To start a hybrid work model, you’ll need to think about what your overall goal is. For example, are you trying to have some workers in the office while others are remote? Would it be better for certain employees to mingle all the time while others prefer working alone? Then you’ll need to think about the layout of your office or where you want work from home staff members to go. You can decide whether they’ll be able to mix with others or only talk when needed.
If part of your team will be remote, then make sure everyone knows what they need in terms of tools and collaboration software (communication is key).
An Asana survey says that 27% of people consider miscommunication as one of the impacts of burnout. Once this has been laid out, you can decide which employees will be home-based and which will spend most of the day in the office.
To optimize a hybrid working environment, you’ll need to ensure that all your employees feel like they have the freedom and flexibility to do what they need. This may include things like having a mix of cubicle offices and work from home setups, so everyone feels comfortable. It also means making sure everyone has the tools they need for their job as well as having access to collaboration software as needed.
The best hybrid work model for your business depends on the type of industry you’re in. For example, if you have a sales team, it could be beneficial to have a remote sales leader because they can spend time with customers and work from the office only when necessary. If you’re a consultant, then it may be a good idea to have some workers who publicize their services while others work from home so they can collect information from clients.
It’s also important to note the 12 Mental Models for Success. Keep these frameworks in mind when going about your work dynamic, and you’ll hopefully see better results. Pick and choose which concept to apply to your work model.
Whether you’re in the office, fully remote, or choose a hybrid style approach, Friday can help you make the most out of your workday.
Whether you want to cut down your number of meetings, want a way to seamlessly integrate your work tools, or or hold yourself accountable to more productivity, Friday glues your work together.
Here are some features Friday has to offer:
Team updates and check-ins are automated so you spend less time in meetings and more time getting work done.